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Available Data Downloads






Far -Infrared


Images, Maps, Spectra and SEDs

link to NED page
Spitzer 70um DataPKS0035-02_files/0035_70um.fits
Spitzer 160um DataPKS0035-02_files/0035_160um.fits
VLA 5GHzPKS0035-02_files/0035-02_ICL001.fits
ESO Optical spectraPKS0035-02_files/

Spitzer IRS spectra


(Top left) 5GHz map

Morganti et al. (1993)

(top right) Image of 0035-02 at 6-cm. The contour levels are: , 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 400, 600, 800 mJy beam-1. The peak flux is 514.6 mJy beam-1. The cross indicates the position of the optical galaxy. (Bottom) Image of 0035-02 at 6-cm with superimposed vectors indicating the projected electric field direction. The vectors are proportional in length to the fractional polarisation (1 arcsec = 1.0 ratio). The contour levels are: , 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 mJy beam-1.

Morganti et al. (1999)


Spitzer MIPS infrared photometric observations. Left to right: 24 microns, 70 microns and 160 microns (when available). FOV are 5x5 arcmins for 24 microns, 5x2.5 arcmins for 70 microns and 0.5x5 arcmins for 160 microns.

Dicken et al. (2008)


Optical spectrum taken with ESO telescopes.

Tadhunter et al. (1993)


Spitzer IRS spectra

Dicken et al. (in preperation)

Spitzer 24um DataPKS0035-02_files/0034_24um.fits
UFTI K-band dataPKS0035-02_files/out_0035.fits


K-band UFTI (2.2 microns) image. 20x20 arcsecs.

Inskip et al. (2010)



Gemini imagePKS0035-02_files/p0035.fits


    This BLRG/FRII appears clearly disturbed in our optical image (Ramos-Almeida et al. 2011a). The radio galaxy shows a bridge linking it with a companion galaxy ∼46 kpc to the south.

In low resolution 5GHz radio imaging this galaxy presents a very peculiar radio morphology (Morganti et al. 1993). High resolution imaging (Morganti et al. 1999) clarifies the real structure of this source. On the south-east side of the nucleus a highly curved jet is observed. The first part of the jet is dominated by a bright blob. On the western side a lobe structure is observed with a ring-like shape, i.e. because of the minimum in intensity in the centre; this could also be a  highly curved jet seen at a particular position angle. A VLBA map (Venturi et al. 1996) shows, on the milliarcsec scale, a one-sided jet in the eastern side and in the same position angle as the bright blob observed in the VLA map. Intriguingly, these structures appear to be almost perfectly aligned with the features observed in K-band images (Inskip et al. 2010).

    PKS0035-02 has a rich emission line spectrum. The Hα emission line has a strong broad component (Dickson 1997, Tadhunter et al. 2002) and there are hints of broad wings to the Hβ line. The [O II]λ3727 and [O III]λ5007 emission lines are extended. A Ca II K absorption line is detected. The strength of the broad permitted lines in this BLRG suggests that much of its UV excess is due to direct AGN light. Given the significant polarization detected at UV wavelengths  (Tadhunter et al. 2002), scattered AGN light may also contribute. However, synchrotron emission is a plausible alternative to scattered AGN light in this source, given the distorted S-Shaped radio structure, and the relatively strong core-jet visible in high-resolution radio maps; this object may be a BL Lac-type in which the jet is pointing close to the line of sight (thus accentuating any distortion in the jet).

    From the extrapolation of the high frequency radio core component towards the infrared region of the spectral energy distribution, Dicken et al. (2008) finds evidence that the non-thermal core synchrotron emission may contaminate the thermal infrared flux in this radio galaxy. In addition, further non-thermal contamination from the extended radio lobes within the Spitzer beam may be present.

See also Venturi et al. (2000)


Gemini GMOS-S Unsharp masked image

Ramos Almeida et al. (2011a)

Gemini/GMOS-S: median filtered image

     6cm VLA radio map



Spectral energy distribution.  The blue solid line is fitted to the data from 109 to 1010 Hz. Extrapolating this line from the radio to the infrared SED tests whether non-thermal synchrotron emission from the lobes can contaminate the Spitzer mid-infrared flux. In this case the lobes emission lies inside the Spitzer beam so non-thermal contamination is a possibility for the Spitzer data. In addition, extrapolating the, flat spectrum, radio core SED into the infrared, shows that the core synchrotron emission could be another possible source of non-thermal contamination to the thermal infrared flux.

Dicken et al. (2008)



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