
Flux data

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Infrared data

Radio data

Optical data

X-Ray data

Spitzer 70um DataPKS1839-48_files/1839_70um.fits


ESO Optical spectraPKS1839-48_files/

Spitzer IRS spectra



Morganti et al. (1993)


Optical spectrum taken with ESO telescopes.

Tadhunter et al. (1993)


Spitzer IRS spectra

Dicken et al. (in preperation)

Spitzer 24um DataPKS1839-48_files/1839_24um.fits


Spitzer MIPS infrared photometric observations. Left to right: 24 microns, 70 microns and 160 microns (when available). FOV are 5x5 arcmins for 24 microns, 5x2.5 arcmins for 70 microns and 0.5x5 arcmins for 160 microns.

Dicken et al. (2008)

Next objectPKS1932-46.html
Frequency       Flux      Units	                Reference                
5GHz	         1.28        Jy                       Morganti et al. (1993)
[OIII] λ5007      <-16.22    Log erg/cm2/s    Tadhunter et al. (1993)
15GHz core       108.2      mJy                    Dicken et al. (2008)
22 GHz core      100.9      mJy	                Dicken et al. (2008)
24 microns	3.1          mJy	                Dicken et al. (2008)
70 microns	10.9        mJy	                Dicken et al. (2008)
160 microns	-              mJy	                Dicken et al. (2008)
X-ray            	-	        -	                -

Other name:


RA (j2000):

Dec (j2000):

Optical class:

Radio Class:

Gemini imagePKS1839-48_files/p1839_add.fits


18 43 14.64

-48 36 23.3





Gemini GMOS-S Smooth galaxy subtracted image

Ramos Almeida et al. (2011a)

Gemini/GMOS-S: Unsharp mask image

    5 GHz ATCA radio map


    This object is an FRI a radio galaxy. Our ATCA image shows a core and a wide-angle tail-like emission trailing away. There is an unidentified compact component to the east of the core.

    This WLRG galaxy is the brightest member of a group or cluster, with its spectrum presenting several absorption lines typical of early-type galaxies, but no strong emission lines (Tadhunter et al. 1993). Our Gemini GMOS-S image shows an apparent secondary nucleus within a 5.6 kpc radius to the SE, a bright arc-like shell ∼7kpc to the NW, and a tentative narrow and sharp tail NE. It is also possible that the radio galaxy is interacting with the two galaxies aligned along the SW direction, since at least one them appears clearly disturbed. Emission-line contamination can be ruled out, since strong emission lines do not fall in the filter used. The bright and sharp shell-like feature described above appears different to the shells/arcs detected for other galaxies in our sample. Indeed, considering that PKS 1839−48 is a massive galaxy immersed in a rich environment, we cannot discard the possibility of this arc/shell being the result of gravitational lensing.

    Based on the extrapolation of the high frequency radio core component towards the infrared region of the spectral energy distribution, it is possible that the non-thermal core synchrotron emission may contaminate MFIR flux of this radio galaxy. In addition, further non-thermal contamination from the radio lobes within the Spitzer beam may be present.



Spectral energy distribution.  The blue solid line is fitted to the data from 109 to 1010 Hz. Extrapolating this line from the radio to the infrared SED tests whether non-thermal synchrotron emission from the lobes can contaminate the Spitzer mid-infrared flux. In this case the lobes emission lies inside the Spitzer beam so non-thermal contamination is a possibility for the Spitzer data. In addition, extrapolating the, flat spectrum, radio core SED into the infrared, shows that the core synchrotron emission could be another possible source of non-thermal contamination to the thermal infrared flux.

Dicken et al. (2008)