
Flux data

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ATCA 5GHzPKS2058-28_files/
ESO Optical spectraPKS2058-28_files/


(Top) 5GHz

Morganti et al. (1993)

(Middle) Image of 2058-28 at 6-cm (low resolution) with superimposed vectors indicating the projected electric field direction. The vectors are proportional in length to the fractional polarisation (1 arcsec = 0.04 ratio). (Bottom) The contour levels are: , 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32, 64 mJy beam-1. The peak flux is 112.0 mJy beam-1. Zoom-in of the jet in 2058-28 at 6-cm (full resolution) with superimposed vectors indicating the projected electric field direction. The vectors are proportional in length to the fractional polarisation (1 arcsec = 0.13 ratio). The contour levels are: , 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32, 64 mJy beam-1. The peak flux is 100.6 mJy beam-1.

Morganti et al. (1999)


Optical spectrum taken with ESO telescopes.

Tadhunter et al. (1993)

Next objectPKS2104-25.html
Frequency       Flux      Units	                Reference                
5GHz	         2.0         Jy                        Morganti et al. (1993)
[OIII] λ5007    -15.08      Log erg/cm2/s      Tadhunter et al. (1993)

Other name:


RA (j2000):

Dec (j2000):

Optical class:

Radio Class:


21 01 37.7

-28 01 55






UK Schmidt image, λ4680A, width 2 arcmins.

    5 GHz VLA radio map


    The radio morphology of this FRI source shows a strong jet.  A low resolution radio image was obtained by Christiansen et al. (1977) and shows that the source is embedded in a low brightness halo, extended more than 8 arcmin, which is not visible in our image.

    Two diffuse lobes without hot-spots are observed. The polarisation in these lobes has a ring-like shape and the position angle of the electric field is radial in both the lobes.

    In the optical spectrum, weak [OIII]λ5007 and Hα emission lines of comparable strength are observed. The continuum colours appear typical of early-type galaxies.